Saturday, July 14, 2007

I'm Back

Hello again! I started this blog back in September 2005, and then let it collect a layer of dust thicker than a wool blanket. Now here we are in July 2007, so I thought I would take my blog outside and give it a real good shaking.

Not much has changed. I still work for the same company, punching holes of various diameters and shapes in pieces of steel of various dimensions. It's a job, not a career, but it helps us to continue to enjoy the benefits of eating, living indoors, and electricity. I still drive the Subaru-which survived a bad accident, but still runs and drives like a trooper. I'm still a republican, but I'm very disappointed in our president and the direction in which country is going. Would I vote democrat? Highly unlikely. Are there any candidates of any party that have captured my interest? None. I still own the handgun, and I still haven't fired since the 20th century. I'm still spending time on the stairmaster each week. Think climbing up the down escalator for 30+minutes, only it's going a lot faster.

As far as family goes, my wife Gina and I recently celebrated 9 awesome years of marriage. My son Sean survived high school. Currently he's working and planning on enrolling at Clark Community College this fall for starters. My daughter Erin will be a senior this fall and has serious collegiate aspirations as well.

I think I'll close this post with these recommendations. Go see The Transformers movie, it's great eye candy, and it's got some clever dialog also. Read anything by Alistair Reynolds, a writer in the 'new space opera' genre. He's freakin' cool. I just finished 'Pushing Ice'. Also read 'Flags of Our Fathers' by James Bradley. It opens a window on pre-war and world war 2 America, and how completely different our country was at that time. It's also a gut wrenching look at the battle of Iwo Jima and the impact it had on the lives of the mostly teenagers and early twentysomethings who fought it. That's all for now folks. More to come sooner than later.

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